Translated By Tony Qin
By: Venerable Shanru
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it had been nearly five years since Venerable Guan Cheng last held a public Dharma talk in Hong Kong. This October, he made a much-anticipated return with a series of three lectures on October 23rd, 25th, and 27th, conducted in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, sharing the Dharma’s wisdom with Hong Kong’s dedicated Buddhist community.

Thanks to his long-running “Virtuous Connections” (廣結善緣) radio program in Hong Kong, Venerable Guan Cheng has garnered a considerable following of loyal and enthusiastic fans. So it came as no surprise that within just two weeks of the announcement, all seats for the lectures were fully reserved.

On October 23rd, at the invitation of the Centre of Buddhist Studies of Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Venerable Guan Cheng delivered the first lecture in the series, titled “The Cycle of Life and its Return to Cessation.” The topic of life’s dependent origination was so captivating that, in addition to the students and members of the public who had signed up, many unregistered attendees queued up early outside the lecture hall, hoping to gain entry. In response to this overwhelming interest, the organizers compassionately set up an additional broadcast room to accommodate the unregistered audience. Still, some were so eager to experience Venerable Guan Cheng’s presence in person that they chose to sit on the floor of the lecture hall, just to listen to his teachings up close.
The nature of life is undeniably a profound topic. Venerable Guan Cheng’s teachings offered us a fresh and inspiring perspective, encouraging students from various disciplines to reflect deeply on the meaning of life and the pursuit of liberation beyond the cycle of birth and death. He spoke about the purpose of studying Buddhism, approaching it from multiple angles encompassing the past, present, and future.
Using the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination and the principle of karmic causality, Venerable Guan Cheng explained how our thoughts arise, transform, and cease in a continuous cycle. Whether good or bad, every action stems from a thought, which is why recognizing and understanding our own thoughts is the critical first step on the path to awakening.
Due to time constraints and the extensive scope of the subject, the lecture concluded with the audience still yearning for more. Venerable Guan Cheng compassionately gifted each attendee a signed copy of his recent book, “The Cycle of Life and its Return to Cessation: An Introduction to the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination,” so that everyone could continue their study at home, bringing immense excitement and joy to the students in attendance.

The second lecture, conducted in Cantonese, took place on October 25th at the Y-Theatre in Chai Wan Youth Square. Although the event was scheduled to begin at 7:30 PM, attendees began queuing outside as early as 6 PM, creating a bustling scene around the venue. Long-time listeners of his nightly “Virtuous Connections” radio program came from all corners of Hong Kong, hoping to witness Venerable Guan Cheng’s compassionate presence and hear his teachings in person.
The topic of the evening’s lecture was “A Single Thought to Purify the Mind: The Transformative Power of Buddha Recitation.” Throughout the lecture, Venerable Guan Cheng approached the subject from different angles to explain the importance of thoughts and understanding our own minds. He referred to the Chan Buddhist teaching: “When one understands the mind, not an inch of soil exists on Earth” to illustrate the journey from confusion to enlightenment.
Since thoughts are sometimes wholesome and sometimes unwholesome, we must learn to maintain right mindfulness at all times. Chanting “Namo Amitābha” teaches us to let go of attachments and focus our minds. Venerable Guan Cheng encouraged us to recite “Namo Amitābha” anytime and anywhere, sharing a verse from a past master:
“Supreme among Dharmas is Amitābha’s name,
Serene amidst chaos and disarray.
Though endless clouds obscure the sun above,
Its enduring light graces every corner of the world.”
As long as we chant with sincere devotion and focus on abstaining from unwholesome actions and speech, we can achieve rebirth in the Pure Land even with our imperfect and distracted minds. This is the profound wisdom of the Pure Land Buddhist teaching of “Rebirth with Karmic Burdens.”
In closing, Venerable Guan Cheng referenced the “Chapter on Perfect Penetration of Buddha Recitation by Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva” from the Śūraṅgama Sūtra to teach us the method of “Gathering the Six Senses and Maintaining Uninterrupted Purity of Mind.” He encouraged us to preserve a state of right mindfulness, diligently follow the Buddha’s path, persevere in our recitations, and work toward liberation in every dimension of life.

The final lecture, titled “Transform Your Consciousness, Transform Your Life,” was delivered in English on October 27th at Loke Yew Hall at the University of Hong Kong. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and many attendees arrived early to receive the thoughtfully prepared Dharma treasures from Venerable Guan Cheng.
During the lecture, Venerable Guan Cheng used clear and simple PowerPoint slides and everyday examples to introduce the Yogācāra Buddhist perspective on consciousness. The talk ventured beyond the six sense consciousnesses covered by modern psychology (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and thought) to explore the deeper seventh and eighth consciousnesses, Manas Consciousness and Ālaya Consciousness, revealing their profound influence on our behaviors and karma.
To explain these complex concepts in simple terms, Venerable Guan Cheng used everyday examples to show how emotions can be contagious and how a small shift in our mentality can create a far-reaching butterfly effect on the trajectory of our lives—and even the world. As the saying goes, “Pulling on a single hair can move the entire body.” If we are willing to shift our perspective, we can set our lives on an entirely new path.
At the end of the inspiring lecture, a long queue formed as attendees waited patiently for an opportunity to receive Venerable Guan Cheng’s autograph and take photos with him.

With this, the three Dharma lectures in Hong Kong came to a successful conclusion, and Venerable Guan Cheng embarked on the next leg of his journey: the Dharma Propagation Tour in Malaysia.