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Reflections on Taking Refuge

Guest writer & Participant: Si Tao 思道 (柴玉東) June 22, 2024, is a very important day in my life. On...

A Simple Mantra Drives The Ghost Away

I once met a doctor named Liao in Hong Kong. He told me an incredible experience.In around 1978, Dr. Liao...

Venerable Guan Cheng and Team Rescue Cattle in Thailand

Written by Wong Ching Kin Translated by Tara Lau Cattle are considered sacred in Buddhism. They often carry special meanings...

Retributions of lustful desires

The Forty-two Sections Sutra says, "Those people who are unable to throw away their wealth and sexual desires are just...

True Story Of Karmic Retribution

In Chapter Eight of Memoirs of Bygone Shadowy Dust, Master Tan Xu (1875-1969) tells a story of evil repaid with...

Selling Poverty Away

When Shakyamuni Buddha was still alive, one day, after his disciple Kaccanyana was out promoting Buddhist dharma, on his way...

Stories About Sexual Abstinence

The Treatise on Response and Retribution Volume One says, “Depending on the severity of a person’s individual offences, the spirit...

A Story Of Karma and Retribution

Fang Xiaoru (1357-1402), a hero of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), once helped Emperor Taizu, named Zhu Yuanzhang, gain the throne....

The Retributions of Hungry Ghosts

Venerable Moggallana, a disciple of the Buddha, is "the number one in supernatural power". When he attained his arhatship, he...

Sweep Away the Dirt

Did you know that since ancient times, many practitioners who were illiterate and unable to read scriptures have awakened to...
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