Some people are highly intrigued by the Abhiṣeka initiation rituals performed during Esoteric Buddhist ceremonies. They eagerly participate in such ev...
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The Chan Master Wumen Huikai (1183-1260) once wrote an ode in praise of the concept of “Ordinary Mind” in his work The Gateless Gate:
“Spring has i...
Translated by: Tony Qin
The Peacock Dharma is said to have flourished in India since ancient times. Elder Venerable Jianru discussed its rich histo...
Since ancient times, tea has been closely connected with Zen. Many Buddhist temples run meditation classes as a routine, and since it is a taboo for m...
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[English CC] Transform Your Consciousness, Transform Your Life, by Venerable Guan Cheng, Live at HKU
• Meditation workshops
• Fell asleep during meditation
• Faster and faster
• Meditation and spirituality
• The Guanyin
• Impermanent, grief, and ...
(English) Dharma Q&A Episode 275
• Buddha and Bodhisattva
• Body motion during meditation
• Being a monk and attachments
• Listening to intuitio...
(English) Dharma Q&A Episode 274
• Body sensation while meditating
• The counting in meditation
• Music and meditation