Buddha Mother Great Peacock King Sutra Blessing Ceremony


The “Buddha Mother Great Peacock King Sutra” is one of the three major sutras in Buddhism for protecting the nation and averting natural disasters. Reciting the Peacock Sutra is most effective for eradicating karmic obstacles, physical and mental afflictions, environmental pollutants, cancer, poison, and natural disasters. It is also effective for increasing one’s wisdom. The most significant feature of reciting this sutra is its “rapid response”; those who recite it with sincerity will swiftly receive the personal empowerment of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 

As we begin the Lunar New Year, we encourage those who wish to receive the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, repent for their past misdeeds arising from greed, hatred and ignorance, and plant wholesome seeds to participate in this ceremony. Together with sentient beings connected through the ten Dharma realms, we recite the sutra with sincere devotion and call upon the protection of the Nagas (dragons) and celestial beings to eliminate natural disasters, ensure the well-being and happiness of our people, and bring peace and tranquility to our society. 

The International Buddhist Temple will be hosting the “Buddha Mother Great Peacock King Sutra” recitation ceremony on March 2, 2025 (Sunday). It will be presided by the temple’s abbot, Venerable Guan Cheng, and all its sangha members. The ceremony takes place from 8:30am to 4:00pm. For those interested in participating or donating to the event for longevity blessings, Buddha offerings, and merits, please contact us at +1 (604) 274-2822, email [email protected], or visit the donations desk in the temple’s Gracious Hall for more information.

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