Everlasting Ceiling Lights in Grand Foyer – Gracious Hall

$380.00 CAD

These ceiling panels of LED lights illuminate the central foyer of the Gracious Hall. Surrounded by auspicious statues of flying guardian deities, this gleaming canopy creates a solemn and vibrant ambience in front of the Buddha. The Everlasting Ceiling Lights are a symbol of our deep respect for the Buddha and his teachings.

$ 380 CAD (one year)

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These ceiling panels of LED lights illuminate the central foyer of the Gracious Hall. Surrounded by auspicious statues of flying guardian deities, this gleaming canopy creates a solemn and vibrant ambience in front of the Buddha. The Everlasting Ceiling Lights are a symbol of our deep respect for the Buddha and his teachings.

$ 380 CAD (one year)


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