The pastoral lyric from the Tang dynasty (618–907) is known for portraying simple, rustic life and nature. It reminds people...
In November 2019, Venerable Guan Cheng, abbot of the International Buddhist Temple, toured Malaysia to promote the Dharma. Venerable Shan...
Those who live in cities cramped with high-rises may not get to see the moon even when it is bright...
On February 9, 2020, the International Buddhist Temple held its 8th Ordination Ceremony for two practitioners. The ceremony was permeated...
The Dharma is infinitely profound. A novice practitioner, faced with an immense body of the Tripitaka written sometimes in abstruse...
Currently, a major topic of public concern is the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID 2019) in Wuhan, China....
It is true what ordinary people care about the most is themselves and their own destiny. Some think their life...
Ever since the International Buddhist Temple introduced the Peacock King Sutra chanting and prayer sessions, there have been warm responses....