In Chapter Eight of Memoirs of Bygone Shadowy Dust, Master Tan Xu (1875-1969) tells a story of evil repaid with...
When Shakyamuni Buddha was still alive, one day, after his disciple Kaccanyana was out promoting Buddhist dharma, on his way...
The Treatise on Response and Retribution Volume One says, “Depending on the severity of a person’s individual offences, the spirit...
Fang Xiaoru (1357-1402), a hero of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), once helped Emperor Taizu, named Zhu Yuanzhang, gain the throne....
Venerable Moggallana, a disciple of the Buddha, is "the number one in supernatural power". When he attained his arhatship, he...
Did you know that since ancient times, many practitioners who were illiterate and unable to read scriptures have awakened to...
When I first became a monk, I used to think that for Zen practitioners to drink tea every day to...
In addition to giving lectures in the Zen hall, Zen masters often use "tactful words" to remind students not to...
On Vegetable Roots, a Zen classic containing maxims and aphorisms written by the late Ming philosopher Hong Yingming has this...
It was snowing heavily in Vancouver yesterday. Because of the freezing weather, there were not many visitors coming to our...