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Introducing the Brand-new Serenity Lodge

Late autumn arrives with its typical crimson red leaves, and the International Buddhist Temple is in the final stages of...

Amongst White Clouds

Hanshan Zi, a celebrated Buddhist monk poet, lived during the Zhenguan reign of the Tang dynasty (618-907), but how he...

Spring River with Blooms on a Moonlit Night

The water in today’s river is no longer water of yesterday’s river, Nor that of the river tomorrow. The biggest...

“One Layman with Six Pleasures”

Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072), an eminent scholar of the Song dynasty (960-1279) and a political leader, resisted Buddhism when he was...

The Road Ahead Long and Treacherous , As Buddhists We Search High and Low —An interview with Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti (Part II)

Interview: Venerable Shan Ci Chinese text: Agnes Liu English translation: Tara Lau The importance of linguistic tools and methodology Venerable...

On Doing Without the Self to Eliminate Mental Suffering (II)

Translated By Andrew Yang The aggregate of perception without the self To perceive here means more broadly to think, imagine,...

The Road Ahead Long and Treacherous, As Buddhists We Search High and Low —An interview with Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti (Part I)

Interview: Venerable Shan Ci Chinese text: Agnes Liu English translation: Tara Lau   Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti: a brief biography...

On Doing Without the Self to Eliminate Mental Suffering (I)

Friends, have you ever heard Buddhists attempting to explicate five aggregates without the self? This phrase is profoundly philosophical. As...

On Alaya Dependent Origination

Alaya dependent origination is a Buddhist theory of cosmic origin. According to this model, all dharmas in the universe owe...

Animal Killing and Karma

Translated by Andrew Yang   None of the karma which sentient beings commit will be forgotten after hundreds of kalpas....
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