Vegetable Clear Soup


Ingredients: corn 200g, pumpkin 200g, cauliflower 300g, celery 300g, tomato 300g.

Seasoning: a pinch of sea salt.


  1. Cut all ingredients into small chunks.
  2. Pan-fry the vegi chunks with 2 or 3 pieces of ginger.
  3. Pour 14 bowls of water into a pot. Set boiling and add the fried ingredients. Boil under high heat for 15 minutes then for 45 minutes under medium heat. Switch off the fire and add seasoning.


  1. To ensure better taste, add 1/2 tsp cooking oil into cold water before boiling.
  2. Ingredients can be changed according to own taste.



One response to “Vegetable Clear Soup

  1. So simple! I will try this. I have been vegetarian for many years now and have found myself adhering to a vegan diet most of the time now. Dairy doesn’t sit well with me anymore for various reasons. At least my resolve to not kill has remained strong for so long…but I digress.

    I should probably make soups this winter and be more sensitive to foods appropriate to the season! Wonderful inspiration, thank you.

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