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Refreshing Apple Salad

Ingredients:350g apples,  100g celery, 100g red bell pepper, 100g water-cured black olives Salad Dressing:Freshly-squeezed juice of one lemon, 1tbs...

Marinated Bitter Melon

Ingredients: 600g bitter melon, 200g fresh bean curd Seasonings: Group A : 1 tsp. vegetarian barbecue sauce, 1 tsp. light soy sauce Group B :...

White Mushroom & Cilantro Soup

Ingredients: 250g  white mushrooms, one bundle of Cilantro, 1tbsp. sesame oil Seasonings: 3 tpsp. Miso, 1 tbsp. black soy sauce, 1 tsp. vegetarian ...

Fried Rice with Olive Pickles

Ingredients: 6 bowls cooked rice, 100g string beans, 100g plant-based meat, 2 tbsp. grated ginger Seasonings: 3 tbsp. olive pickle paste Steps: ...

Penne with Cherry Tomatoes

Ingredients: 700g penne pasta, 200g cherry tomatoes, 100g pitted black olives, 100g white mushrooms, 40g dried tomatoes, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. sa...

Pear and Mixed Bell Pepper Salad

Ingredients: 300g Singor Pear, 100g red bell pepper, 100g orange bell pepper, 100g yellow bell pepper   Salad Dressing: Freshly-squeezed juice of o...

Vinaigrette Black Fungus

Ingredients: 120g dried black fungi,  some red bell pepper in juliennes Seasonings: 1.5 tbsp. first extract soy sauce, 1.5 tbsp. black bean soy sau...

Noodles with XO Sauce

Ingredients: 700g ramen,  150g red bell pepper, 100g celery, Seasonings:2tbsp vegetarian XO sauce,  1 tbsp  first-extract soy sauce, a pinch of sug...
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