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Fried Sauce Noodles

Ingredients: 700g Ramen, 200g soaked mushrooms, 150g dried bean curd, 100g plant-based meat Seasonings: 1 tbsp. toona sinensis sauce,  1 tbsp...

Penne in House Sauce

Ingredients: 700g penne pasta, 100g pitted black olives, 40g sun-dried tomatoes, 100g cucumber, 50g butter Seasonings: 1.5 tbsp. first-extrac...

Seaweed & Tofu Fritters

Ingredients: 500g dried bean curd, 80g carrot, 40g nori seaweed. Seasonings: 1 tbsp. black bean soy sauce, a pinch of sea salt. Steps: ...

Chinese Salad

Ingredients: 150g cucumber, 150g carrot, 200g enokitake mushrooms Seasonings: 1 tbsp. Zhenjiang vinegar, 1 tbsp. first extract soy sauce, 1 t...

Watercress Soup

Ingredients: 700g watercress, 100g carrot, 100g corn on the cob, 100g cashew nuts, 40g dried figs, 1pc. dried tangerine peel Seasonings: 1-2 ...

Fried Noodles with Bean Sprouts

Ingredients: 700g Cantonese fine noodles, 200g bean sprouts, some ginger. Seasonings: 2tbsp. dark soy paste,2tbsp. first-extract soy sauce, 0...

Tomato and Potato Soup

Ingredients: 500g potatoes, 200g tomatoes, 100g soy beans, 100g cashew nuts, 40g dried figs, 1pc. dried tangerine peel Seasonings: 1 tsp. sea...

Cabbage and Bean Curd Puff Salad

Ingredients: 500g cabbage, 150g bean curd puffs Dressing: 8tbsp. Japanese sesame salad dressing, 1tbsp. sesame oil Steps: Chop cabbag...
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