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Check out our highly recommended recipes.

Soya Milk Pudding with Fresh Fruit

Ingredients: 350g low sugar soya milk, 150g whipping cream, 30g sugar, 8g agar powder, some diced fresh pineapple, mango and apple, juice of 1 passion...

Green Salad with Pine Nuts

Ingredients: 200g pine nuts, 400g baby spinach, 150g cucumber, 150g avocado, 150g red pepper Seasonings: Group A : freshly squeezed juice from 1...

Quick & Easy Homemade Bread Pizza

Ingredients: 1000g tomato, 200g mushroom, 50g butter, 6 pcs. bread, 6 slices Marble cheese Seasonings: Group A : 1 can tomato paste, ½ brown sl...

Baked Pumpkin in Tomato Sauce

Ingredients : 600g pumpkin, 500g tomato, 100g white mushrooms, 30g butter, chopped cheese Seasonings: Group A : 0.5 can tomato paste,0.25pcs bro...

Pan-fried Potato Shreds

Ingredients: 400g potatoes, 20g butter Seasonings: 1tsp sea salt, a pinch of black pepper Steps: Shred the potatoes. Do not rinse with wate...

Cheese-tomato Toast

Ingredients: 300g tomato, 18 pcs. pickled cucumber, 6 slices white bread, 6 slices Marpole cheese Steps: Cut tomato into thin slices. Drain p...

Diced Potato Soup

Ingredients: 600g potato, 150g mushroom, 100g vegetarian meat, 20g butter Seasonings: 1 tsp. sea salt, a pinch of pepper Steps: Diced potat...

French Bread with Avocado Paste

Ingredients: Group A : 1 mature avocado, 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper Group B : 50g mushroom, 20ml white sauce Group...
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